Fab for Life


Fab For Life 第2期


For all participants at FAB7,

I’d like to tell you how I felt when I visited the damaged (by the disaster earthquakes and tsunami) areas in Japan, and a little bit more about how Fab Labs and Fab Labbers could support from now on.

*My personal impressions on damaged areas in Japan

Damaged areas by the disaster are very large. The range covers over hundreds kilometers, particularly along with long coasts in North East areas in Japan. Nobody can visit all the cities in such large areas. I personally could visit some of the cities- Ishinomaki (in the middle of April) and Rikuzden Takada and Ofunawatari located in the south part of Iwate prefecture (in the middle of June). In Ishinomaki city, there is a town called KawaKitacho, sadly where 70% of pupils at elementary school had been missing. It’s hard to express my feelings, however, I just can say I was very struck by the reality, what happened there and how deep and large the influence was. Even under such situations, I found one hope for the future. It is the relationship between volunteer staffs from outside the city and people having lived in the city.

Volunteer staffs were working on removing sludge from the inside of housings which was broken by Tsunami. People who lived in the city kindly cooked for them even when ingredients are limited. They also offered to give them the use of private baths. Despite people there seemed to be very despaired and exhausted, they did their best with cordial actions for people coming from outside. I couldn’t stop crying.

It is impossible for people from outside of the damaged areas to perfectly understand tortures and sadness of people living there. However, people from outside of the damaged areas could work earnestly and bring energy and courage, and take actions to confront with difficulties. That’s what I realized there. What we did there was tiny in practical sense, however, we could give some kinds of braveness to people living there, and make cordial connections among people.

After that, I visited Iwate Prefecture in June. At that time, temporal housings were being built, and proposals for reconstructing the cities were widely disseminated. It was the beginning of turning point from “emergency” phase to “reconstructing” phase. The damage of Kisen area, located in south part of Iwate prefecture, was beyond our thought.
Especially Rikuzen-Takada was terribly damaged. Huge heaps of rubble, whose height was beyond the 4th floor of buildings, remained even two months after the earthquake.
We couldn’t find any border between damaged areas and non-damaged areas. Everything was missing in the huge area. I couldn’t imagine when and how economy will come back there.
The only hope I found was the small restaurant which could open again the first in Rikuzen Takada. There was a long queue of people who had been longing for the restaurant. The biggest issue in that area was how to hire people who had lost their jobs on fishery or agriculture. People can get various values form working- not only their economical independence but also their self-esteem in the society. Aquafarming needs at least three years from cultivation to selling. How can they survive during such period? How to rebuild local economy? Those are critical issues under current situations.

*What Fab Lab/Maker can do

I have some ideas on what Fab Lab/ Maker can contribute. The first idea is improvement of housings. I think it’s possible to attach ornaments and put furniture (made and fabricated by Shopbots and other fablab facilities) to only-for-functional current temporal housings. It’s more effective if Mobile FabLab can move from here to there, having workshops on making ornaments and furniture. The second is to involve people in micro business. If we gave some machines for making things to them, they could make products and finally sell them to people all over the world, and hopefully get money. It’s like a model of fair-trade. The third is to set up community-oriented Fab Lab, particularly focused on making and giving the useful products which satisfy the needs and demands of people living there.

It’s worth while making things. It takes a lot of time, however, it gives us a lot of satisfaction and funs instead. People can get not only physical convenience but also mental achievement from making things. That is what now people need to have, for getting over many difficulties, and for taking confidence over again. Furthermore, people in north-east areas are very good at making things even from limited resources with hands-craft skills. That’s the very good example of ‘bricolage’. I think they are working in their own DIY style. Fab Lab could share the similar attitude with them. I personally expect how they will use 3d-printers and laser cutters, and apply them to the current situation. It is going to be “the future of making”, isn’t it?

Let me end with one story which I heard from a person in NGO. In Japanese, local environment, that can be distinguished by cultural uniqueness, is called “風土”. “風土” consists of two characters “風(wind)” and “土(land)”. “Wind” implies what flows into the place, and “land” implies what keeps existing there. The genuine abundance of local environment can be emerged only from the best harmony between “wind” and “land”. I think Fab Lab can take a part of making such a great harmony, in damaged area in the future.

Yusuke Okamura










ものを作るということは、苦労とともに達成感のある行為です。こうした精神的な充足を積み重ねて行く作業は、もう一度被災地が自信を取り戻して行く時に必要な作業なのではないかと感じています。また、東北に多い漁師や農家は、身の回りにある資材を使って必要とするものを作ってしまう、ブリコラージュを巧みに行います。FabLab Japanのディスカッションにある使う人が作る、ということを、生活環境と溶け込んだ形で行っているネイティブたちが、3次元プリンターやレーザーカッターといった新しいものづくりに携わっていくというところに、「つくりかたの未来」があるのではないかという妄想も広がります。



Fab For Life 第1期

FabLab(ファブラボ)とは、3次元プリンタやカッティングマシンを取り揃えた、「(ほぼ)あらゆるものをつくる」ための市民工房と、その世界的なネットワークです。我々FabLab Japanは、私たちの暮らす日本にもファブラボを立ち上げ、世界16カ国以上40か所以上のファブラボと連携した国際プロジェクトを推進するための有志団体として発足しました。


そして、日本での立ち上げからちょうど1年が過ぎようとしていた中、私たちは東北地方太平洋沖地震を経験することとなりました。これまで世界のファブラボでは、ハイチやスマトラ沖の大地震の際にも、支援プロジェクトが行われてきました。今回、FabLabJapanは、国内外の志を共にする人々ともに、震災復興支援プロジェクトとして “Fab for Life” を発足します。

Fab For Life プロジェクトとは

Fab for Lifeは、現地でつくられるべきもののアイディアとそのノウハウの共有を目的とした、有益なものづくり知識の編集と流通促進に貢献するためのプロジェクトです。

nosignerの呼びかけによって始まった、震災被災地の生活を助けるデザインやアイディアを集めるオープンなデータベースWiki “OLIVE” と協力しながら、国内外のネットワークを結ぶ活動を展開していきます。



(1) Instructablesに掲載されている有益なアイディアの翻訳




2011/3/16 instructables / F.A.T. lab のRandyから届いた翻訳候補リスト

  1. http://www.instructables.com/id/GasMask/
  2. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Purify-Water-Using-Iodine-Tincture/
  3. http://www.instructables.com/id/Water-Purification/飲料水を作る>太陽の力で水をきれいにする(日本語版:jojporg)
  4. http://www.instructables.com/id/Bumcamping/step3/Ultralight-Tarp-Shelter/
  5. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Build-an-Earthbag-Dome/
  6. http://www.instructables.com/id/modern-outhouse/
  7. http://www.instructables.com/id/Can-Stove/
  8. http://www.instructables.com/id/Woodgas-Can-Stove/
  9. http://www.instructables.com/id/Lightweight-Camping-Stove/
  10. http://www.instructables.com/id/Lazymans-Mini-Camping-Brazier/
  11. http://www.instructables.com/id/Stay-Warm-with-the-Heiny-Heater/
  12. http://www.instructables.com/id/Snow-Backpacking-Stay-warm-and-have-fun/
  13. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-stay-warm-with-your-homemade-sleepin-/
  14. http://www.instructables.com/id/Sleep-Warm-Anywhere/
  15. http://www.instructables.com/id/No-Sew-Fleece-Blanket-1/
  16. http://www.instructables.com/id/Instant-Cozy-Kimono-Robe-Made-from-Blanket/
  17. http://www.instructables.com/id/Cheap-Easy-Winter-Hat/防寒>帽子(日本語版:takawo)
  18. http://www.instructables.com/id/Hat/
  19. http://www.instructables.com/id/Knife-Making-Without-Tools/
  20. http://www.instructables.com/id/Yurt/
  21. http://www.instructables.com/id/Run-AC-Tools-on-Batteries-Directly%2c-without-an-Inv/
  22. http://www.instructables.com/id/Sprouting-your-own-Sprouts/
  23. http://www.instructables.com/id/Plastic-Bag-Mitten-%22Rubber-Glove%22/

(2) 世界のFabLabとの連携による新規アイディアの投稿




(3) OLIVEのテキスト情報のビジュアル化




Fab For Lifeプロジェクトは、状況の変化に合わせ、短期・中期・長期と柔軟に進行をしていきたいと考えており、新規プロジェクトも鋭意検討中です。他に何かアイディアがあればfablabjapan@gmail.com(FabLabJapan発起人:田中浩也)までお寄せください。


詳しくはdesign311についてをご覧下さい 。

  1. […] 続いて、震災後に次の一歩を踏み出して頑張っている団体の代表としてFabLab(ファブラボ)の岩岡孝太郎さん(@iwok_ktr)と巾嶋良幸さん(@hbsm)にお話をうかがいました。 →FabLabについてはサイトをご覧ください。 FabLabが震災後立ち上げた「Fab for Life」は現地でつくられるべきもののアイディアとそのノウハウの共有を目的とした、有益なものづくり知識の編集と流通促進に貢献するためのプロジェクトです。たとえばサラダ油を灯りにできるオイルランプなどがあります。この知識を被災者に広めることで少しでも避難生活が楽になればうれしいです。 具体的には、OLIVEという英語のテキスト情報のビジュアル化を行っています。翻訳作業が今google documentでオープンになっているので、英語が得意な方はぜひやってみてください。 […]

